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MIP Academy DO: the future of TV and transmedia under the spotlight
 14 May 2013
On May 12-13 for the first time in Moscow was held MIP Academy DO, organized by the French company Reed MIDEM and Russian private center of digital technologies Digital October. The key theme of the forum was transmedia. What it is, how to plan transmedia content, how to create it, how to manage transmedia process.

CEETV and TVBIZZ were official media partners of the event.

Russian media managers together with the most famous world experts and professionals, producers and owners of the large companies talked about the specifics of digital content, related with these new forms of content rights, trends of media consumption, content for social media, the involvement in the industry of the creative staff, as well as other issues relevant to the fast-growing media environment. In parallel, together with the leader in the field of executive education Entertainment Master Class there were organized trainings on this topic.

MIP Academy DO also offered exclusive opportunity for participants - to personally meet with key Western media figures during organized face-to-face sessions. Each participant had an opportunity to meet Paul Boross, Caitlin Burns, Ben Hall or Virginia Mouseler and ask any question or seek for advice on a particular matter.

We asked Caitlin Burns, Transmedia producer at Starlight Runner Entertainment, how to overcome the inertness and sluggishness of broadcasters to actually start doing transmedia projects in Russia. She advised: 'I believe that the model CTC uses works. The advertisers along with producers came to the net. So the project already was funded, there was already a package. If you can package a social piece with the experience and idea where those budgets can come from - it is hard to say no to that. You have to say yes and possibly cross-promote. And if you are first, you may use international models to find advertisers and sponsors. But also the budgets for this are much smaller than you might think. If you are able to do something like on-line experience for a reasonable cost, you can find a partners and sponsors - it is worth the energy to do that'.

Ben Hall (ex-MD of Shine Network) added that the demographic argument might work well, as the broadcasters cannot anymore rely on the young audience without doing extra moves towards social and new media. 'The only way TV can have a long-rum sustainable future is to engage with transmedia world'.

Mr. Hall also spoke about production of content on an international level, its promotion and distribution at international markets. He finished his presentation with a plea to take risks and not just do derivative things. 'We have to develop some balls 'cause otherwise it's just going to be the endless talent shows... which actually accelerates the speed with which the TV dies rather than keeps it alive. 'Cause it's only by being fresh and genuinely, genuinely innovative the TV stays relevant and interesting'.

One of the great speakers brought to Moscow by MIP Academy was Paul Boross, the Pitch Doctor, who gave priceless advice to those who pitch ideas. One of the main tips of his presentation was 'It's all about them!' He reminded that people do buy from people and it is really important to establish the right connection between those who want to propose something and those who actually buy. According to a survey carried in America, 76% of people would change the supplier if the new one is simply MORE FUN.

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