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egta launches regulatory affairs publication Understanding the AVMSD
 06 Nov 2013
egta, the association of television and radio sales houses, launched its latest regulatory affairs publication 'Understanding the AVMSD – Practical Guidelines on the implementation of the Audiovisual Media Services Directive'.

The purpose of the practical guidelines is to provide insights in to how the Audiovisual Media Services Directive (AVMSD) has been implemented into national legislation and the impact on sales houses and broadcasters of the advertising provisions introduced by the Directive, such as product placement and sponsorship. The intention is to demonstrate how sales houses, broadcasters, national regulatory authorities and national ministries have tackled the challenges, and rules, laid down by the AVMSD.

'As technology develops, and audiovisual convergence becomes a reality, so too must regulation adapt. Television and radio sales houses seek a flexible, regulatory environment in order to meet the demands of today’s business environment. This new practical guide clarifies the current practices, and crucially the implementation and interpretation of the AVMS Directive, at a national level,' commented egta Secretary General, Katty Roberfroid.

As all member states have officially transposed the AVMSD into national law, egta feels that now is a good juncture at which to reflect on developments so as to fully prepare the industry for the challenges ahead. In order to best illustrate the current state of play with regard to the transposition and implementation of the Directive and the reality that media service providers are faced with, the guidelines at all times use practical examples from the perspective of egta members to demonstrate how the requirements of the AVMSD are being put into practice.

'We believe that this publication, the only one of its kind, will be of great benefit to our members. It allows them to have an overview of the implementation of the AVMS Directive in the various national markets, providing them with an easy to find and useful resource for all departments of egta member sales houses,' added Conor Murray, egta Head of Regulatory & Public Affairs.

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