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#TVagainstWar campaign
 29 Jul 2014
The television business gets people engaged every day much more than any other media even in the age of the internet and smartphones. TV keeps people entertained and informed, providing ‘a window to the world’ to people all over the world.

The role of television becomes even more important in times of crisis, war and catastrophes. The military conflicts in Ukraine and Palestine have led to thousands of deaths of innocent people including the victims of flight MH17. But somehow, such tragic events always remain outside the open agenda of people and companies engaged in the TV industry, including the media which cover this business sector.

We at CEETV, TVBIZZ and TVBIZZ Russia believe that it is time to address the issue directly and get the TV industry engaged in an anti-war, anti-military campaign to raise awareness and promote peace. It is time to show that TV also has another role (when it is not used for political propaganda): to build public opinion and influence political decisions to bring peace.

We have called this campaign TVagainstWar

We urge all TV professionals and TV companies to join this campaign by raising a voice against war, against the mindless killing of innocent people all over the world. Anyone can join the cause in any form: a TV broadcast, a formal statement to the press, a picture on Instagram, a post on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, or any other social media.

As part of this campaign, CEETV, TVBIZZ and TVBIZZ Russia will be publishing all anti-war messages coming from the TV industry on our websites and social media pages.

As part of its Kiev Media Week edition, TVBIZZ Russia will dedicate a big part of its content to this campaign and actively seek the cooperation of TV stars and industry players from both Ukraine and Russia as well as international TV companies to support the cause.

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