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EC plans to introduce changes into Audiovisual Directive and allow more advertising
 20 May 2016
The European Commission is ready to introduce changes in the Audiovisual Directive regarding the ad quotas for European channels; this way the advertising time may be calculated on the average values between 7.00 and 23.00, Sostav.ru reports. Currently, the changes are in discussion and must be ratified by 28 commissioners as well as the European Parliament and the Council of Europe.

According to the VP of EC Andrus Ansip, the rules that govern TV advertising must be made more liberal. Currently, digital terrestrial broadcasters have ad time of 9 to 12 minutes. If the changes are accepted, the ad regulations will allow “floating time”, i.e. in some slots they could air more advertising. EU broadcasters are complaining that US broadcasters have more liberties in this respect, get more revenues and thus can invest more in content.

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