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Russia at #MIPCOM
 17 Oct 2016
MIPCOM starts today and the Russian companies will be once again showcasing their latest titles. Russian movies, TV projects, series and animation will be presented at a joint stand ROSKINO – Russian Cinema Worldwide with participation of the Ministry of Culture of Russia. JSC Aeroflot – Russian Airlines is the strategic partner of ROSKINO.

More than 40 companies with over 65 project will participate in the stand.

Central Partnership will present blockbuster The Crew, which has been sold to 35 countries around the world; horror thriller Diggers and documentary Lake Baikal, filmed in 3D and 4K. On top of that, the package will include series of own production: retro detective Ascending Mount Olympus (Voskhozhdenie Na Olimp), sports drama In The Constellation Sagittarius (V Sozvezdii Streltsa, joint production with TM Production), and musical drama These Eyes In Front Of Me (Eti Glaza Naprotiv).

Timur Bekmambetov’s Mirsand will present a new movie The Spacewalker (Vremya Pervikh). Based on real events, this drama tells the story of the launch of the Soviet spaceship Voskhod-2. Evgeny Mironov played the part of legendary Alexey Leonov and produced the project together with Bekmambetov. After the success of 3D series Alisa Knows What To Do, Mirsand Ltd. presents a new animated movie produced by Bazelevs – My Cool Dad. Sales Director of the company Valeria Dobrolyubova said that it is a family musical comedy set to premiere in March 2017. Famous British composer Mark Willott worked on the project. He was also involved in the production of The Snow Queen with Bazelevs and Wizart Animation.

Fedor Bondarchuk and Dmitry Rudovsky’s Art Pictures Studio will present a range of new projects to its international partners. Among them is sci-fi blockbuster Attraction and film adaptation of Pushkin’s novel and Tchaikovsky’s opera The Queen of Spades. Moreover, the company will sell anti-utopia series Afterlife (Vyzhit’ Posle), which tells about people who survived the deadly virus apocalypses in Moscow.

Production center Riki will introduce participants of MIPCOM to its leading animation projects: Malyshariki, Tina & Tony and Pin-Code (entertainment and educational spin-off of Kikoriki). Ilya Popov, General Producer of the Riki Group also stated that the company plans to negotiate deals with foreign investors regarding projects in development.

Russian World Vision presents two military projects: Panfilov’s 28 Men and Immortality Corridor (Koridor Bessmertiya). Sales of new action movie Sparta, comedy Superbad (Superplokhie), drama Makeover (Perevoploshchenie), Batallion and other projects will continue.

Distributor All Media will present such hits of Russian TV as Kitchen, Mothers (Mamochki), How I Became Russian and Last From The Magikyans. The company will also show projects that have not yet come on air: The Exes and Grand Hotel Eleon. On top of that, the participants will see movies that became popular in Russian cinema: Kitchen in Paris, Super Bobrov Family, Breakfast At Dad’s, Collector and a new animated movie Kitchen.

Animated series Charlotte and Frogson produced by Master Film made it to the final of the pitching for MIPJunior 2016.

Ekaterina Mtsituridze, GM of ROSKINO, said that such strong presence in Cannes organized together with the Ministry of Culture, Aeroflot and Expocontent, is realization of another ambitious goal. The stand will present high quality projects of various genres, starting with series for the youngest viewers and to the ‘super project’ Mata Hari. For the first time, a project from Russia will receive a red carpet premiere in the main hall of Palais des Festivales in Cannes.

The GM of Expocontent LLC Alexandra Modestova said it would be impossible to imagine Russian participation without the joint stand. ROSKINO-Russian Cinema Worldwide is a demanded promotion platform for Russian projects. Almost half of them is animation, which attracts increasing attention of international buyers. Russian companies continue coming to MIPCOM and MIPTV despite the economic situation, understanding that presence at such events is a significant investment into the development.

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