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Small World and Format Show look for Big Ideas
 08 Feb 2017
Media Resources Management (Ukraine) in partnership with the international distributor Small World IFT(USA) and the world’s biggest audiovisual content market MIPCOM (France) have announced a call for entries for the pitching competition SMALL WORLD. BIG IDEAS.

The contest opens up new opportunities for the authors of innovative TV projects, including independent producers and creators, representatives of large prodcos and TV channels. The organizers invite anyone with an idea in the genre of non-scripted entertainment show to take part.

Applications are accepted from February 7 to March 15, 2017. All projects will be evaluated by the independent judging panel featuring Ukrainian and international TV industry experts with years of experience in development, distribution and adaptation of TV formats.

The Final round of the SMALL WORLD. BIG IDEAS contest will take place on April 21 at the international conference FORMAT SHOW Spring Edition in Kyiv.

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