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London court arrests property of Inter’s owner
 04 Mar 2019
A London court arrested two mansions in the capital of the United Kingdom owned by Ukrainian oligarch Dmytro Firtash, owner of Inter Media Group among others. Provisional measures on his properties, estimated at more than £50 million, were imposed at the request of the Russian VTB Bank.

It is noted that the Firtash companies did not return to the bank loans in the amount of 2.5 billion rubles (more than $38 million). A London court also ordered the defendant to disclose all of its assets that could be foreclosed. A lawsuit in the High Court of England and Wales was filed by representatives of VTB on February 26 in support of the decision of the District Court of the Cypriot city of Limassol.

In other news, the Austrian prosecutor general has contested the decision of the Higher Regional Court of Vienna on the extradition of Ukrainian oligarch Dmytro Firtash to the United States made in February 2017, Tiroler Tageszeitung reported citing the prosecutor general’s statement.

According to the General Prosecutor’s statement on Wednesday, the Higher Regional Court of Vienna (OLG) did not sufficiently investigate whether the U.S. request for extradition was politically motivated: even with “purely criminal” actions, it is necessary to check whether there is a political motivation.

The decision of the Higher Regional Court of February 2017 violated the law and should be reversed, the General Procurator in its statement on Wednesday. Now the OGH has to decide. The prosecutor recommends that the Supreme Court of Austria (OGH) annul the decision of the OLG and the Higher Regional Court of Vienna must re-examine the case on the extradition of Firtash. Now the issue of extradition must be decided by the Supreme Court of Austria, the report states.

Dmytro Firtash was arrested in Austria on March 12, 2014, at the request of U.S. authorities, issued in 2013. During the previous U.S. administration, the Ukrainian businessman was accused of using bribes for a total of $18.5 million to get permission to extract titanium raw materials in India for the subsequent sale of finished products in the United States. After paying a record 125 million euro bail for a Russian businessman, Firtash was released. He's been in Vienna since then. In December 2017, a request from Spain for the extradition of Firtash was rejected. There, the Ukrainian is accused of money laundering and involvement in a criminal organization.

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