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New CME owners respond to press freedom concerns
 22 Oct 2020
Shortly after publishing the letter by IPI addressing concerns about press freedom in the CME markets, the new owners of the TV group, PPF, published their response to the letter, signed by the two new CME CEOs: Didier Stoessel and Lubos Jetmar:

Dear Colleagues,

Thank you for your letter dated October 20, 2020. We welcome your interest in CME.

PPF acquired CME with the goal of further developing our network of commercial television stations. We aim to provide viewers with the highest quality 21st century programming that features entertainment and original domestic content. An undeniable part of this includes news that is independently and professionally delivered. PPF understands the key role that independent and objective media play in our society and we will continue to adhere to the values that have made CME’s news widely respected.

We believe the need for a plurality of opinions is already firmly rooted in the drive for viewers and market share in a highly competitive television and media market. PPF and CME fully respect independent, objective, pluralistic and high-quality journalism to continue, just as we stated when we announced the completion of the CME acquisition.

PPF Group believes in freedom, democracy, entrepreneurship, professionalism, and a plurality of opinions. Those are the values we are committed to uphold as owners of CME.


Didier Stoessel
CME Chief Executive Officer – Czech Republic, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia

Lubos Jetmar
Chief Executive Officer CME Bulgaria

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