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Nominations for 1st Heart of Europe Awards announced
 05 Nov 2021
The jury, composed of international experts from the television industry, nominated the best programs from the official selection of the International Television Festival Heart of Europe Awards.

The nominated productions include programs submitted by broadcasters from Poland, the Czech Republic, Lithuania, Ukraine, Hungary, Serbia, Croatia, Estonia and Georgia, selected from around 90 productions from 12 countries in the region.

As part of the festival competition, they will compete in six categories. The winners of the Heart of Europe International Television Festival Awards will be selected by a jury composed of authors, producers, screenwriters and public television experts from Central and Eastern Europe. The prizes will be awarded on Friday, November 5, at the Heart of Europe Festival Gala.

The productions participating in the festival are available in original versions with English subtitles, all of them can be watched for free by downloading a free ticket at the Kinoteka box office or by logging in to the Festival's website. Additionally, on the website and on the social profiles of the event, viewers will be able to watch expert discussion panels with the participation of authors and special guests.


Feature Films:
Jury: Toomas Luhats- Estonia, Yaroslav Lodygin - Ukraine, Kateřina Ondřejková – Czech Republic, Rolandas Maskoliūnas - Lithuania, Marcin Skabara – Poland, Éva Vass – Hungary
1. Veterán / Veteran – Czech Republic, Germany, France
2. A feltaláló / The Inventor – Hungary
3. Zieja / Truth Makes Free – Poland
4. Koja je ovo država! / What a Country! – Croatia, Serbia, Poland
5. Żelazny most / Iron Bridge – Poland

Drama series:
Jury: Yaroslav Lodygin - Ukraine, Toomas Luhats - Estonia, Jasmina Božinovska Živalj – Croatia, Jakub Třešňák – Czech Republic, Paweł Rzewuski - Poland, Junita Budvytiene - Lithuania
1. Dnevnik velikog Perice/Big Perica's Diary-Croatia
2. Ochránce/The Defender - CR
3. Herec/Actor – CR, Slovakia
4. Reetur/Traitor - Estonia
5. Ludzie i bogowie/People and Gods – Poland

Jury: Alena Müllerová – Czech Republic, Alina Amza - Romania, Giorgi Gachechiladze - Georgia, Balázs Medveczky – Hungary, Agnė Biliūnaite - Lithuania, Tomasz Piechal – Poland
1. ჯამბაზის კალენდარი/Jester’s Calendar – Georgia
2. Mr. Kriss/Mr. Kriss – Czech Republic
3. Umění disentu / The Art of Dissent – Czech Republic
4. Amíg a vérem hajt - Gereben Lívia története / As Long As I Can Move – The Story of Lívia Gereben – Hungary
5. Agonia/Agony – Poland
Майдан. Шість літер нашої свободи / Maidan. Six Letters of Our Freedom – Ukraine

Jury: Valentina Baintan - Romania, Milan Kruml – Czech Republic, Renata Puchacz-Kuszaj – Poland, István Pálffy – Hungary
1. Slavenski/Slavenski – Serbia
2. A strana/A Side – Croatia
3. Suus sulab Eesti/ Delicious Estonia – Estonia
4. Nacionaline ekspedicija/National Expedition – Lithuania
5. Sanatorium miłości, sezon 2/Sanatorium of Love season 2 – Poland
6. რანინა/Ranina – Georgia

Kids and Youth:
Jury: Kamila Górny - Poland, Rahela Štefanović - Croatia, Márta Horváth - Hungary, Oliver Filan - Slovakia, Kamila Teslíková – Czech Repulic, Kristina Janulytė – Lithuania
1. O léčivé vodě/The Healing Waters – CR, Slovakia
2. Kosmix/Cosmix - CR
3. Rozmaring kunyhó/Rosemary Hut- Hungary
4. Przyjaciele Misia i Margolci/Margo, Teddy, and Friends - Poland
Al-chemik/The Al-chemist – Poland

Jury: Gytis Oganauskas - Lithuania, Petr Hauzírek – Czech Republic, Nikoloz Gigauri - Georgia, Aleksandra Prokopiuk - Poland
1. Božena / Bozena – Czech Republic
2. Planeta je Prga / The Planet is Prima – Czech Republic
3. Velikonoční časostroj / Easter Time Machine – Czech Republic
4. სცენა / Stage- Georgia
5. TVP Kultura 2/TVP Kultura 2 - Poland

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