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2nd Canada-Ukraine CoProduction Meetings and Conference wraps up
 01 Dec 2021
In September-November 2021, the international project The 2nd Canada-Ukraine CoProduction Meetings and Conference (ucancoproduce) took place. The project aimed at the practical implementation of the Canada-Ukraine Audiovisual Coproduction Treaty. This document enabled many benefits and incentives, including access to tax benefits and state funding for the audiovisual content creators on both sides of the ocean.

The ucancoproduce program started with a panel discussion "Treat it Right: Starting a Canada-Ukraine Co-Production Treaty Project". The Canadian media community watched it on September 10 as part of the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF), and the Ukrainian professional audience watched it at the Kyiv Media Week (KMW) Forum on September 15. The experts discussed the state support programs available in both countries for content producers, in particular those enabled by the Coproduction Treaty. They also spoke about the the Canadian-Ukrainian coproduction projects currently in development. The invited producers from Canada and Ukraine explained what inspired them to coproduce and how they collaborate. More information on the panel is available at ucancoproduce website.

On November 16, as part of the ucancoproduce project, a discussion panel "Canada & Ukraine: coproduction opportunities for audiovisual content producers" took place. Government and business representatives from both countries spoke about the Treaty, the benefits it provides to content producers, and how to use them. The main advantage is that with official coproduction, producers can use support programs of both countries: the final product has the opportunity to obtain national status both in Ukraine and Canada, and together with it – the corresponding privileges.
From September 27 to October 27, producers from Ukraine and Canada had the opportunity to apply for the online ucancoproduce pitching, which took place on November 17. An international panel of experts selected 25 projects out of 292 applications submitted by 170 producers from both countries. A list of panelists and pitching participants can be found at ucancoproduce.

In addition, 259 qualified project applications were included in the online catalogue. The catalogue contains basic project information – development status, expectations from representatives of the partner country, and contacts of the project applicant.

On November 22, the finalists held one-on-one online meetings with interested producers and potential partners. A total of 49 online meetings were held, where the participants exchanged ideas and discussed opportunities for further cooperation.

Initiators of The 2nd Canada-Ukraine CoProduction Meetings and Conference – Ukrainian Motion Picture Association and the Embassy of Canada to Ukraine.

The project is implemented in partnership and with the support of Ukrainian State Film Agency, the Department of Canadian Heritage, Telefilm Canada, Canadian Media Producers Association (CMPA).

Project organizer: Media Resources Management (MRM) consulting company.

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