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More Russian channels switched off in Latvia
 02 Mar 2022
The National Electronic Media Council (NEPLP) has already banned the distribution of 9 Russian channels on the territory of Latvia. All cases involve very serious violations - content and calls that represent a threat to national security. As a result, the broadcasting licenses of two channels registered in Latvia have been revoked after the evaluation of their owners.

On Monday (February 28) the Council excluded several channels from the list of channels re-transmitted in Latvia: MIR 24 and RTVi for the distribution of content threatening national security, which has been assessed as 'biased and misleading'. The day before, a similar decision was made in relation to the RBK channel.

On February 25, the re-transmission of the Belarusian TV channel Balarus 24 was banned because its owner Ivan Eismont, who is a Belarusian citizen, became subject to EU sanctions. PBK Estonia and PBK Lithuania also had their licenses revoked. The decision was made upon verification of their beneficial owner Oleg Solodov and receiving additional information from the competent authority. In connection with the serious breaches of the Audiovisual Media Services Directive and the Law on Electronic Media in the form of distributed content that poses a threat to national security and a significant threat to public order and security - the re-transmission of Rossiya RTR, Rossiya 24 and TV Centr International has been suspended since February 24.

Over the last 3 years, NEPLP has excluded more than 60 channels from the list of channels re-transmitted in Latvia due to various violations, half of which are Russian. On February 9, 2021, were excluded 16 channels among which were: REN TV Baltic, NTV Mir Baltic, Karusel International, NTV Serial, NTV Stil, NTV Pravo, Kinomiks, Nashe Novoye Kino, HD Life and others. The Council does not have any information regarding the distribution representative(s) of the mentioned channels on the territory of Latvia, who could give their approval on the distribution of the channels on behalf of their owners. The Council has not received any information from the owners regarding their wish to continue the distribution of these channels in Latvia (it's not possible to identify the legal representative of the distribution of the channels on the territory of Latvia). Therefore, the distribution of these channels in Latvia is considered to be illegal.

On June 30, 2020, 7 channels were excluded from the list of audio and audiovisual programs distributed in Latvia: RT (Russia Today), RT HD, RT Arabic, RT Spanish, RT Documentary HD, RT Documentary and RT TV. These channels are in the sole possession and control of Dmitry Kiselyev, who is subject to sanctions by the EU Council. As of November 20, 2019, 9 channels are no longer distributed in Latvia: Vremya: Dalekoye i Blizkoye, Bobjor, Dom Kino, Dom Kino PREMIUM, Muzika Pervogo, O!, Poyekhali, TELECAFE, Petersburg - Channel 5. One of the beneficial owners of these channels is Yuri Kovalchuk, who is also subject to sanctions. The channels' distribution has been temporarily banned until the lifting of sanctions imposed by the EU Council.

Among the channels shut down in recent years, 32 have been used by cable TV providers and have not been included in their packages for several months as well as channels that don't own a valid broadcasting license or the Council has no information on their broadcasters in Latvia.

From the NEPLP pointed out that re-transmission of a channel from the Latvian register is the personal choice and responsibility of each cable operator. 'We not only live in a democratic state but also in a state, which is governed by the rule of law and is subject to that law. It is always important to remember that but especially in situations when circumstances require fast and decisive action,' emphasized NEPLP Chairman Ivars Āboliņš. 'We've analyzed each case thoroughly, the decision to retaliate against one of the companies has been carefully thought out and well-argumented', he said.

Both the re-transmission and the shutdown of channels within the EU are subject to strict rules and specific proceedings. In order to stop the distribution of a certain channel in Latvia, a number of actions must be taken, including providing the European Commission with an explanation and convincing evidence to support such a decision. Restrictions on their distribution are subject to the assessment of the European Commission and verification of its compliance with the EU legislation.

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