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LRT's web portal blocked in Russia
 29 Mar 2022
It's been more than 30 days since Russia declared war on Ukraine. Since day one, the online portal LRT.lt has been providing extensive coverage on the situation in Ukraine and the actions undertaken by Russia not only in Lithuanian, but also in the Russian language. And since Russia has continued to systematically spread propaganda, the news portal was blocked in the country as of March 17.

According to Google Analytics, the number of the portal users from Russia grew by nearly four times since the outbreak of the war in Ukraine, compared to the 2022 average. The available data has shown a sharp decline since March 17 - there are almost no visitors from Russia, which is due to the blocking of access to the portal in the country. 'Restricting access to information is also part of this brutal war. Russia is doing its best to make the country's population as less informed as possible about the actual situation in Ukraine where not only Ukrainian civilians, but also soldiers sent by Russia, are losing their lives. We're trying to reach the Russian-speaking audience thru every channel possible, to inform them with objective news and our efforts have not gone unnoticed by the Russian authorities as well, so we've decided to simply block access to the LRT portal,' said Gytis Oganauskas, Deputy GM of LRT.

LRT Novosti updates its news feed constantly. Accurate and verified news reports on the events in Ukraine can be found under the hashtag KarasUkraina (Voina v Ukraine). The portal LRT.lt live-streamed news in Russian including Free Europe's newscast Current Time (Nastojaščeje Vremia) as well as the program of the Ukrainian public broadcaster Suspilne in Ukrainian.

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