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Media regulator checks foreign channel licenses
 29 Jun 2022
The National Broadcasting Council of Ukraine emphasizes that it is necessary to update the information and documents for the List of programs of foreign television and radio organizations that are retransmitted by August 1, 2022.

"This is a requirement of paragraph 20 of the Procedure for forming the List of programs of foreign retransmitted foreign television and radio organizations, approved by the decision of the National Council of November 18, 2021 № 1727," the National Council reminds. "Failure to submit documents to update the information is grounds for removal from the List."

This requirement applies to the updated procedure adopted by the National Council in November 2021. It determines the mechanism of retransmission of foreign TV channels on the territory of Ukraine, which is provided by legislative norms.

In particular, it states that "foreign television and radio organizations, whose programs are included in the List at the time of entry into force of this Procedure, within six months from the date of entry into force of this Procedure, update the information and documents on the basis of which the decision to include in the List".

Each right holder or authorized representative must provide documents for each channel on this list within six months.

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