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Tkachenko: FreeDom effectively fights Russian propaganda
 20 Jul 2022
The attention paid to the FreeDom marathon by YouTube viewers and Russian hackers is evidence that the project is fulfilling its role in the information war against Russian propaganda, according to the Minister of Culture and Information Policy, Oleksandr Tkachenko. As he emphasized during the United News marathon, it is possible to overcome Russian disinformation only with joint international efforts.

"Coordinating efforts to counter Russian disinformation is extremely important," Tkachenko said. “And the fact that in the third week of the war we created the Russian-language project FreeDom, which enjoys considerable attention on YouTube in Russia - we can see this not only by numbers, but also through cyberattacks on the FreeDom YouTube channels - this is not easy the right step, and very timely. And in this sense, we have the support of our Western partners, who understand very well that in order to counteract Russia's huge propaganda machine, it is necessary to unite the efforts of all civilized countries."

The FreeDom marathon is a daily television information project that is broadcast in Russian. It is created by the State Enterprise MPIU and partner media groups Ukraine, 1+1 Media, Starlight Media and Inter. On May 7, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine allocated 165 million hryvnias from the reserve fund of the state budget for the production of this telethon.

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