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Business Ombudsman: not clear why channels got removed from DTT broadcasting
 02 Sep 2022
Business Ombudsman's deputy Tetiana Korotka reported that there are no decisions on shutting Espresso, Pryamiy, and Channel 5 off the multi-channel digital TV network T2. She said this in her interview to Detector Media.

According to her, the Business Ombudsman Council has been working on the appeals of Espresso, Pryamiy, and Channel 5 regarding the shutdown of their broadcasting on this network for several months.

"In order to resolve this issue, the Council has talked with various state bodies and found out that no decisions to stop the broadcast of these TV channels on the T2 network exist. At the same time, the National Council for Television and Radio Broadcasting, recalling the NSDC's decision "On the implementation of a unified information policy under martial law," dated March 18, 2022, effectively confirmed the existence of a 'legal vacuum:' there are no specific rules to regulate which channels can participate in the production of the joint telethon. From the NCTRB's point of view, this situation must be fixed by 'relevant and authorized agents that should either introduce changes to the Ukrainian legislation, or clearly define and properly mandate the regulator in accordance with the current legislation,'" Korotka said.

Therefore, the Business Ombudsman sent a letter to the Verkhovna Rada Chairman in order to help fill the gaps and legislate the principles of the joint marathon, namely by developing uniform criteria for television companies that are obliged to broadcast the marathon in compliance with the NSDC's decision, and the procedure for joining the telethon.

"We do not lose hope that an out-of-court solution to this situation is still possible," said Korotka.

On April 4, Channel 5, Pryamiy, and Espresso announced that on April 4 in the morning the Broadcasting, Radiocommunications, and Television Concern (BRTC) had shut down the broadcasting of these TV channels in T2 digital network.

Digital television provider Zeonbud, which is currently subject to the governmental BRT Concern, is not aware of the reasons for Espresso, Pryamiy, and Channel 5 being shut down.

The National Council on Television and Radio Broadcasting has announced that it has not
approved of the decision to shut down the channels, and does not have a mandate to do so.

On May 9, the State Service for Special Communications and Information Protection of Ukraine explained that the reason for shutting off the digital broadcasting was an implementation of the decision of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine regarding the broadcast of a joint telethon.

The adviser to the head of the President's Office Mykhailo Podolyak believes that the channels from the so-called Petro Poroshenko's pool (Channel 5, Pryamiy, and Espresso) were excluded from digital air because they were harmful due to the ex-president's "narcissism."

Channel 5 and Pryamiy filed a lawsuit against the Broadcasting, Radiocommunications and Television Concern (BRTC) and the State Special Communications Service for being excluded from digital broadcasting.

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