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Sever: Politicians in Serbia encourage attacks on journalists
 28 Aug 2023
Journalists in Serbia are the target of attacks and targeting initiated by politicians, as a result of which not only the freedom and pluralism of the media are threatened, but also their safety, said the president of the European Federation of Journalists Maja Sever, expressing grave concern that the situation could be even worse.

Sever told the Beta agency that the targeting and campaigns against journalists in Serbia are initiated by politicians who should actually help protect journalism and freedom of expression through responsible behaviour, but that they „do the exact opposite and incite attacks on journalists.“

„Populism in politics has brought a dangerous rise in tensions in all societies, but I am afraid that some boundaries have been crossed in Serbia and I fear that the consequences can only be worse. In fact, sometimes when I watch speeches, tweets or video messages shared by some of your politicians, I honestly fear for the safety of my colleagues,“ Sever said.

She believes that the situation could be improved in the process of European integration and that the European Media Freedom Act (EMFA), which is being prepared by Brussels, will be important for Serbia.

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