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Latvian government proposes new cyber defense center
 03 Nov 2023
On Tuesday, October 31, the Cabinet of Ministers supported the proposal of the Ministry of Defense to allow the Ministry of Defense and the Central Finance and Contracts Agency to undertake long-term state budget commitments in order to implement and co-finance the cyber security project “National Coordination Center – Latvia” (NCC-LV).

The project is planned to be implemented by August 31, 2025 and envisages strengthening the capacity of the European Cyber ​​Security Competence Center (ECCC) National Coordination Center, developing a cybersecurity competence community, educating the public in the field of cyber security and administering the Cyber ​​Security Transformation Grants Program in collaboration with the Central Finance and Contracts Agency.

One of the basic tasks of the center is to identify and support the national cyber security competence community, which is formed by state and local government institutions, companies and non-governmental organizations, informing about the possibilities of receiving European Union co-financing for the implementation of projects related to cyber security, as well as coordinating and monitoring the projects of the participants that are co-financed with the support of financial instruments managed by the European Cybersecurity Competence Centre.

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