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US State Department: Ukraine's United News violates freedom of expression
 25 Apr 2024
The US State Department has published an annual report on the observance of human rights in the world, in particular in Ukraine. There they mentioned the telethon United News as an example of violation of freedom of expression, Babel.ua writes.

The US State Department notes that the signing of the decree on the introduction of martial law in February 2022 allegedly allowed the introduction of restrictions on mass media and media freedom. The report claims that the telethon is toeing the "government line" in its coverage of the Russian-Ukrainian war to ensure unprecedented control over prime-time television news.

In addition, according to the information of the State Department, some media reported on exclusion from profitable terrestrial broadcasting contracts and pressure from the Office of the President as early as the spring of 2022.

The report alleged that the government "banned, blocked or sanctioned media outlets and individual journalists" who were considered a threat to national security or who expressed views that the authorities believed undermined the country's sovereignty and territorial integrity.

"Some speakers who criticized the government were also blacklisted from the telethon. Investigative journalists critical of the government were sometimes targeted by negative social media campaigns, sometimes through pro-government channels," the report said.

The State Department added that other practices, including self-censorship, continued to affect media freedom in Ukraine. The report says that, with few exceptions, people in Ukraine can usually publicly and privately criticize the government and discuss issues of public interest without fear of "official repression."

The non-governmental organization Freedom House assessed the press of Ukraine as "partially free". According to the finding, independent media and news sites expressed a wide range of views, but the government took some measures to restrict the work of journalists to "counter Russian disinformation" and "address other security concerns" during the war.

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