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Bloomberg: CTC Media tumbles after hiring UBS to comply with new law
 03 Dec 2014
CTC Media Inc. (CTCM) dropped the most in two months after it said that Switzerland’s largest bank and one of the Big Four auditors will help it comply with Russia’s newly-voted law limiting foreign ownership in media companies, Bloomberg reports.

The stock slid 6.5 percent to $5.34 in New York on Monday, the biggest decline since Oct. 3. CTC was listed on the Nasdaq stock exchange in 2006 and is the only publicly traded Russian television company.

CTC said it hired Zurich-based UBS AG as its financial adviser and KPMG NV as its tax adviser to help it comply with a law requiring Russian media reduce foreign ownership to 20 percent from 50 percent by the end of 2016. CTC, co-owned by Putin’s billionaire ally Yury Kovalchuk, is about three-quarters held by international investors, including Sweden’s Modern Times Group AB.

“CTC Media is trying very hard to find a solution, which is positive for the market, but the market realizes there will be no obvious solution for the broadcaster,” Konstantin Chernyshev, the head of research at UralSib Capital in Moscow, said by phone yesterday. “The new law puts the company in a trap, it will be really hard to comply with this law and please all the shareholders.”

Russia, facing U.S. and European penalties over its alleged role in the separatist insurgency in eastern Ukraine, has cited an “information war” as a reason to curb foreign media ownership. President Vladimir Putin, which denies military involvement in Ukraine, signed the law in October.

Moscow-based CTC, which runs four entertainment television channels in Russia, is working with law firm Morgan Lewis & Bockius LLP and accounting firm Habif Arogeti & Wynne LLC to evaluate what actions to take, the company said previously.

Chief Executive officer Yuliana Slashcheva declined to comment when contacted by Bloomberg News through the company’s press service. Spokesmen for UBS and KPMG were not immediately able to comment on the firms’ partnership with CTC.

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