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Third edition of RTL's Digital Shapers Conference to be held next month in Zagreb
 21 Oct 2019
The end of November this year once again has been reserved for the one-day Digital Shapers conference, whose main focus will be digital transformation. The third edition of the RTL conference, which aims to highlight the crucial importance of digitalization process in business and the society in general, will be held on November 28 at the Kaptol Boutique Cinema in Zagreb.

Like last year, the main goal will be to bring together a number of digital transformation participants, to showcase some of the best practices in the world and present concrete solutions for business development. Prominent local and foreign experts will also speak about the most current topics and developments in digital processes.

Digital transformation is still considered to be one of the most relevant topics in modern economy and implies a conscious change in the way digital businesses operate. It has a crucial impact on process efficiency, revenues and is also the motivation and productivity of employees, data transparency and many other business segments. In Croatia, digital transformation is a very current topic. A clear digitalization strategy hasn't been developed yet and many local enterprises have not yet grasped the importance of business transformation.

Croatia is ranked 22nd based on the DESI Index, which shows the level of economic and social digitization, which is one of the last positions in the EU. That is why RTL Croatia would like to further raise awareness about the importance of digital transformation. 'I am glad that RTL Croatia has just launched a project like Digital Shapers, which is to be held for the third time this year. The global economy has gone thru a series of changes caused by the digitization and we're very well aware of the fact that a fundamental transformation of the media, the economy and the entire society is a must. This year, we have invited prominent international speakers and experts to Zagreb, who will present some great examples to individuals and representatives of Croatian companies but we're also preparing interesting panels with local shareholders in digital transformation,' said Marc Puškarić, CEO of RTL Croatia.

As part of the conference will again be elected the Digital Shaper of the Year - the person / company that have contributed the most to Croatia's digitization and digital transformation.

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